The Pockets is an app by ICICI that offers a prepaid wallet to the users which can be upgraded to a zero balance savings account too,using this app users can pay anyone to bank,mobile or email IDs,Book movie tickets,pay bills,recharge mobile phones,send gifts,shop anywhere as a visa card on various websites,for any kind of support you can chat directly in the app.
Get Free Rs 50 In Your Pockets Wallet
Bat2win is a cricket game for android from games2win play it and win rewards everyday,
it is offering free 50 Rs in Pockets wallet for all the users,in order to avail this offer,just download the Bat2win game from the Playstore,
After downloading it login using your google account and score minimum 25Runs,you will get the confirmation as well as redemption mail on your email id within 24 hours.
Other details:-
1)App available for Android and ios platforms, 2)Offer valid till 31th May 2015, 3)ICICI pockets app can be used by non ICICI customers too, 4)The app acts as a virtual visa card to pay anywhere, 5)Each user can avail this offer multiple times, 6)You must load 100 Rs to your wallet firstly before you can initiate a recharge.
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